
Cycling Skills Class (Macao)


To provide a fun and safe cycling experience, and consolidate basic cycling skills

The Improver Course is designed for riders who know basic cycling, but wish to improve on their cycling skills and develop their cycling techniques on a deeper level.

Contact us

If you would like to join TEAM INVIS, please complete this course and you may get referral by coach

To complete all contents takes approximately 6-12 lessons

Highlight of the course




4 Major Outcomes of the Course

  1. Better Control on the bike
  2. Increased confidence in using various cycling techniques
  3. Improved efficiency in cycling on cycle tracks, large cycling events or cycling tours overseases
  4. Increased confidence in cycling on road with light traffic

 Explore full course contents

Improvers (4)



Coach & riders ratio – 1:6
Course Ratios

Improvers (3-1)

Changed your view in cycling training/coaching


The course content includes learning about the essentials knowledge and skills for daily cycling. It also focuses on addressing the common mistakes made by riders on the bikes.

The aim of the course is to assist the riders building upon their existing cycling skills and techniques, to gain more control and flexibility on the bike. In turn, it raises the rider’s safety on daily cycling and potential bike tours when traveling overseas. We hope the riders can form a new perspective in terms of cycling after taking the course.

Improvers (2-1)

Suitable for both children and adult


The course is open to adults or children (aged from 4 to 69 years old)*

Adults and children will be in separate group

*For adults aged over 59, we will assess the rider’s ability before recommending the type of classes.

The new way to learn cycling

Do you consider yourself knowing how to cycle? Have you thought about the idea that you can cycle more efficiently?

Improvers (7)

Do you think you can do the following…?


Do you want to attempt the following actions on the bike?

  • Cycle with single hand
  • Drink from the bottle while cycling
  • Cycle with a stand up position
  • Get on and off the bike swiftly
  • cycle on narrow paths (e.g. in between obstacles on cycle tracks)
  • Turn around the bike on narrow road
  • Cycle up a steep slope

The Improvers Course enables riders to learn all the techniques involved in the above actions on the bike.


Have you ever encountered…?


Have you ever encountered the following situations when cycling?

  • Fail to cycle up the slope
  • Fail to match up your friends’ cycling pace
  • Worry about cycling on narrow roads, cornering and crashing

The Improvers Course will sure be able to help you overcome all the fears and worries.

Improvers (1)

Do you wish to…?


Have you ever thought of…

  • Cycling with friends
  • Cycling in major cycling events(e.g. Hong Kong Cyclothon)
  • Going on a bike tour overseas (e.g. Taiwan, Japan, Europe…)?
  • Taking part in racing (e.g. triathlon, road bike racing)?

Regardless of your intention on learning cycling, the Improvers Course can surely enhance your knowledge and techniques in cycling. More so, to help you achieve your learning goals while having a safe and fun cycling experience.

Course Content

The content of Improvers Course was designed based on the blueprint of British Cycling Training – Level One and the Bikeability (the UK’s national cycling training program).

The course involves teaching riders about the practical skills and techniques to handle daily cycling, coupled with practices on cycle tracks and road with light traffic.

Through the course, we hope the riders can gain more control on the bike, and enjoy a safe, relaxing and fun cycling experience.

You will learn

  • Mounting (hold position/rolling)
  • Dismounting (hold position/rolling)
  • Starting
  • Braking
  • Pedalling
  • Gear Selection
  • Cornering (Right angle turn,S turn, U turn, 8 turn)
  • Climbing
  • Descending
  • Moving around on the bike
  • Ready Position
  • Riding slowly / Stationary Balance
  • Manipulating points of contact (eg riding one-handed, riding out of the saddle)
  • Balance and coordination
  • Pull up the front wheel (optional)
  • Pull up the back wheel (optional)
  • Riding free-hand (optional)
  • Leading
  • Following
  • Riding next to another rider
  • Riding surrounded to another rider
  • Changing position in a group
  • Riding in contact with another rider
  • Hand signal
  • Road signs
  • Positioning on road
  • Start the bike on road with traffic
  • Get off the bike on road with traffic
  • Use of junctions
  • Practice on cycleways
  • Practice on road with traffic

Coach / instructor can adjust the course content subject to the rider’s learning progress

Course video

Enhancing Safety and Happiness

We hope our riders enjoy every ride with us and get a sense of accomplishment out of finishing the rides.

According to the figures released by the Hong Kong Police Force, most of the bike accidents were caused by a lack of proficiency in cycling and negligence in road safety. In view of this phenomenon, we wish to support riders in enhancing their skills and technique to enjoy safe and joyful cycling experience.

Get rewarded

INVIS CYCLING is now in a partnership with Cathay, customers can earn Asia Miles on eligible INVIS’ services.

Get rewarded

INVIS CYCLING is now in a partnership with Cathay,

customers can earn Asia Miles on eligible INVIS’ services

Safe, joyful and professional cycling services

Please sign up for INVIS Cycling courses, we are sure you will gain a lot from them!

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