
General Cycling Service Terms and Conditions

General Cycling Service Terms and Conditions

Thank you for choosing INVIS CYCLING’s, or TEAM INVIS’s (collectively called INVIS) services. Services provided by INVIS are based on these terms and conditions. Please read and ensure that you understand them before you register for an account or participating for any service. Customers may not register or apply or participate or enjoy for any service if they do not agree with these terms and conditions.

1. General Terms

  1. Services provided by either INVIS CYCLING or INVIS CYCLING TEAM or SUPERNOVA CYCLING TEAM (SNOVA)are managed and operated by INVIS HK COMPANY LIMITED.
  2. To ensure the safety and quality of service, INVIS provides services only to registered customers. (except condition mentioned in term 1.4)
  3. Unless specifically requested, INVIS provides service to customers aged 5–69. Customers under age 5 may apply only for private cycling coach services and will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Different services might have different age requirements and limits on the number of participants. Please refer to the relevant guidelines for further details.
  4. INVIS may provide services to persons whom non-registered invited by Group Customers. However, the Group Customer must take responsibility for those invited who join INVIS’s services.
  5. Customers confirm acceptance of INVIS’s terms and conditions by submitting any account registration or service reservation/application or settling any payment to INVIS (even without any written registration, reservation or application).

2. Account Policy

  1. There are two types of accounts.
    • Personal Accounts
      INVIS welcomes all individuals to register. Customers younger than 18 are required to be registered by a contact person who is 18 or older. The contact person must also register for a personal account. A personal account holder may apply for an INVIS CYCLING TEAM or SNOVA membership.
    • Group Accounts
      INVIS welcomes all groups or organisations to register. Group accounts must be registered with at least one contact person, who will manage the account and also register for a personal account.
  2. Confirmation will be sent once the account has been registered; a unique customer ID will be issued to each account to indicate confirmation. (temporary suspended)
  3. Please keep secure all account information issued by INVIS to avoid leakage of any personal information.
  4. All registered Personal and Group account customers may cancel their account or update their personal information through written communication or by submitting a form to INVIS.
  5. INVIS CYCLING TEAM or SNOVA members may cancel their account or update the personal information through written communication or by submitting a form to INVIS. A penalty may apply if membership is cancelled before the contract period completed.
  6. Please inform INVIS within 7 days of any changes to personal information.
  7. To register an account or revise account information, please log on to the Internet Customer Service System or complete the relevant form, which is available on INVIS’s website or by telephone, email or fax upon request.
  8. INVIS reserves the right to approve or refuse account applications; please refer to INVIS’s website invis.hk the relevant guidelines for more information about account registration.

3. Service Application/Reservation Policy

  1. INVIS provides any cycling coaching or training services only to registered customers (except service of cycling performance, demonstration, trainer trial or lecture).
  2. All services must be reserved and paid in advance, and payment must be settled by the end of the specified period to avoid cancellation. If the appointment is cancelled, the customer is required to re-book.
  3. Reservation can be completed via the Internet Customer Service System, by phone, email, fax, post or in person at our office. INVIS accepts applications/reservation by forms, recordings left with our hotline or any written format. Once the application is accepted, INVIS will issue confirmation to the customer.
  4. To ensure that customers’ physical fitness is adequate for cycling, Training Service requires that customers have a valid PAR-Q&U form. If the PAR-Q&U is expired, customers must complete a new form.
  5. All services are limited and delivered on a first-come-first-served basis.
  6. If there are insufficient enrolment numbers, INVIS reserves the right to cancel the service or ask customers to switch to other courses.
  7. Please note the organiser of the service before applying; some services may be organised by other organisers of which INVIS is an agent. The service terms and conditions might be different from those for services organised by INVIS
  8. By submitting a service application or settling any payment to INVIS (even without any written registration, reservation or application), the customer confirms acceptance of all INVIS’s terms and conditions.
  9. Please refer to INVIS’s website invis.hk or the related guidelines for more information about the service application method.

4. Payment Policy

  1. All service fees indicated on Invoices shall prevail; other information about service fees is for reference purposes only.
  2. Customers must follow all terms indicated on the Invoice, and settle payments before the due date.
  3. Reservation will be cancelled if payments are overdue or invalid. All deposits or payments will then become invalid and will not be refunded. Partial, late or undecipherable payments will not be regarded as valid payments.
  4. Reservation is valid for specific period only, expired reservation cannot be used.
  5. INVIS accepts money transfers, deposits, cheques, e-cheque, pre-paid vouchers, PayPal, cash & purchase card to settle payments. Auto-pay service is available for INVIS CYCLING TEAM services.
  6. Customers must keep their receipts, and inform INVIS of their payment as soon as possible after deposit. Payment is valid only after customers have informed INVIS.
  7. Please refer to INVIS’s website invis.hk or the relevant guidelines for more information about payment methods.

5. Change, Cancellation and Refund Policy

  1. No cancellations or refunds are given once reservation/application is accepted.
  2. If you need to make a change to your reservation then you may have to pay a service fee (unless change decided by INVIS’s representative), Changes can be requested within 3 days after application (except for service upcoming within 3 days) without charge.
  3. All cancellations or changes, unless decided by INVIS’s representative, will be regarded as absences, and no make-up or additional services will be given.
  4. If make-up or additional services are given, all arrangement must be made by INVIS; no further changes to make-up or additional services may be made by customers.
  5. Make-up and additional classes must be arranged within 90 days of the original date of service; overdue make-up or additional classes will be regarded as given up by the customer.

6. General Cycling Service Policy

  1. Customer (or parent or guardian) understands and agrees that service may carry on public area and open road under supervision.
  2. INVIS has established guidelines for service during bad weather allowing INVIS’s representative to change or cancel services.
  3. Hours are calculated by rounding up minutes. For instance, more than 15 minutes is calculated as 30 minutes, and more than 45 minutes is calculated as 1 hour.
  4. Services are provided only to the customer who applied for them and cannot be transferred to others.
  5. Customers cannot change classes without authorisation. If unauthorised changes are found, INVIS reserves the right to suspend services to customers with no refund given.
  6. If customers are late by more than 15 minutes, INVIS’s representative may leave and they will be regarded as absent or as having given up the service. No refunds or make-up classes will be given.
  7. Once services are started, even if they are suspended or cancelled, no refunds or make-up class will be given.
  8. If customers cannot keep up with the progress of training, INVIS’s representatives have the right to refuse customers the training or require that they switch services. INVIS does not arrange make-ups, refunds or compensation for such reasons.
  9. Customers are required to check whether all the equipment is suitable, is in good condition and meets the service requirements. If customers’ equipment does not fit these requirements, INVIS’s representatives have the right to refuse customers the training. INVIS does not arrange make-ups, refunds or compensation for such reasons.
  10. Customers should use all the equipment provided or rented by INVIS with caution; customers are required to bear the cost of any damage.
  11. Customers are required to assess whether their physical fitness is suitable for training and take responsibility for the risks of any bodily sickness or condition. INVIS does not take responsibility for such conditions.
  12. INVIS purchases insurance for its services for basic protection. INVIS highly recommends that customers purchase additional insurance for their protection needs.
  13. Customers must follow rules and instructions from INVIS’s representative, any regulations of the training venue and any local laws.
  14. Please respect other venue/road users.
  15. Customers should look after their personal valuables. INVIS does not take responsibility for lost valuables.
  16. If you have any doubts or questions, ask INVIS’s representative immediately.

7. Club ride

  1. Members of INVIS CYCLING TEAM or SNOVA may organize Club ride voluntarily and irregularly to enhance team spirit. Club ride of INVIS CYCLING TEAM or SNOVA is not a coaching or training or service session nor a formal activity, members are welcome to join without any application and agree that take part of member’s own risk without any liability on the part of the company, all sponsors and any groups from responsibility and personal liability for clients who suffer illness, death or loss during participation in activities for any reason, including negligence, and waive all rights and claims to pursue action.

8. Safety First Policy

  1. Cycling is usually safe and fun, but accidents, although unlikely, can cause injury or death to cyclists. Hence, INVIS is committed to making safety its first priority and consideration in all decisions.
  2. To prevent accidents, customers must read the safety guidelines before participating in any service.
  3. Please wear the safety equipment listed in the guidelines. Customers bear the risks if they refuse to wear safety equipment. INVIS’s representatives have the right to refuse to allow customers without safety equipment to participate. If INVIS’s representative allow such individuals to participate, INVIS and any INVIS-related persons do not bear any responsibility for the consequences caused by riding without safety equipment. These individuals give up any claim on INVIS.
  4. Please refer to INVIS’s website invis.hk or the relevant guidelines for more information about the ratio limit for coaches/instructors and students.

9. Photographing and video recording Policy

  1. Video recording maybe in operation on our premises or vehicle to for enhance service quality or safety purpose.
  2. INVIS’s representative may take photograph or video during service, I hereby grant permission and assign all rights, title and interest to INVIS for utilizing my appearance, images, voice and personal data in connection with the races in all media throughout the world perpetually and agree to waive any right of inspection or approval associated therewith. If customer would like to cancel this permission, please state or check the appropriate box in the application form.

10. Notice of Collection and Use of Personal Data

  1. Information provided by customers is used only to handle their service applications. If customers cannot provide all the needed information, it might cause a delay and/or refusal of the application. If customers apply for service provided by another organiser, customers agree to allow INVIS to transfer their personal information to the organiser.
  2. INVIS or INVIS’s partners will not use customers’ personal data to promote membership, communications, courses, talks, conference, activities and races or use such data for other promotional or advertising purposes without their express consent.
  3. Updating or Stopping Use of Personal Data
    If customers do not want the company to continue to use their personal data for such purposes specified in 10.2 and/or desire to query or update their personal information, they may notify INVIS through the following channels:

    1. Check the appropriate box in application forms.
    2. Send an email to info@invis.mo, with their names and customer IDs.
    3. Complete the Personal Data Update Form available on the website, and return it by email, fax or post to INVIS.

11. Liability Limit and Disclaimers

  1. The main services provided by INVIS are bicycle related. All sports can be dangerous. Cycling is no exception. Beginners and professionals can be injured or even killed in accidents caused by themselves or other persons. Therefore, those interested in participating in services organised or co-organised by INVIS (including but not limited to training, events and all other activities) and their parents or guardians should assess, understand and be willing to bear the risks and consequences of any accidents. INVIS strongly recommends that customers purchase additional insurance based on their protection needs. INVIS employees, representatives, sponsors and related organisations accept no responsibility for accidents involving participants.
  2. Customers must apply for service voluntarily and be willing to bear all the responsibility. Customers agree to comply with all rules and decisions of the organiser. Customers, their heirs, executors and administrators agree to exempt the company, all sponsors and any groups from responsibility and personal liability for clients who suffer illness, death or loss during participation in activities for any reason, including negligence, and waive all rights and claims to pursue action. Customers shall ensure that they are in suitable physical condition to participate in cycling events.

12. Miscellaneous

  1. Any rights not exercised or mentioned herein shall not be deemed a waiver of the implementation of those rights or affect the rights of any follow-up action enjoyed or any other right.
  2. If any court or administrative body of the HKSAR finds that any provision of these terms and conditions is invalid or unenforceable, then the provision which is invalid or unenforceable shall not affect other provisions of these terms and conditions, which shall otherwise remain fully in effect.
  3. Unless restricted by local law, in the event of disputes between Chinese and English versions of these terms and conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
  4. INVIS reserves the right to revise and amend all terms and conditions without notice.

13. Contact

Comments and enquiries can be submitted through the following methods:

  1. Address: Room 1003, 10/F, Wing Tuck Commercial Centre, 177-183 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
  2. Hotline: (852) 3543 0033
  3. Fax: (852)3543 0034
  4. WhatsApp: (852)9507 5531
  5. Email: info@invis.mo
  6. Website: invis.hk
  7. Messenger: m.me/INVISHK

Last updated: Oct 2018